Join the AASF #2 Email List
Join the AASF #2 Email List aasf2 @ is an email discussion list for the alumni of the Army Aviation Support Facility #2 at Columbus Ohio.
To make it easier for all of us to communicate with one another, we have established this email discussion group.
News and events affecting us will be sent to the list subscribers. It will also be a great place to send pictures and stories about “the good ol’ days” at the facility.
If you wish to send a message that will go to all the folks subscribed to this list, simply address your email to: aasf2 @ Your message will then be sent to all the subscribers simultaneously. You must be subscribed to the list before the list will accept mail from you.
To join the list, click here. It’s just as easy to get off the list if you decide that you want to leave someday. Your email address will not be distributed or published. The list is moderated and protected from spam and viruses.
Please add this address to your email contacts address book: aasf2 @
If you have any questions about how the list works, address your inquiries to john @ (leave out the spaces)