Ohio AASF #2 Bulletin Board
Ù If you would like to post a message, please email your request to: Bulletin BoardPosted 11/23/2008
AASF #2 Reunion 2009
19 Sep 09
Aviation Extravaganza / Aviation Reunion at AASF#2, Rickenbacker IAP, Ohio
LTC Larry A. Hart
AAAA Vice President
614-262-8461 home
614-282-8957 Cell
larry.a.hart @ us.army.mil
Posted 01/29/2003
Directory Updates
If you are an alumni of the Ohio AASF #2, please send us your contact information. As soon as we get enough input, we’ll assemble a directory of names and phone numbers to help you stay in touch with your friends from the facility. Click here to update your contact information: UPDATE
Posted 01/31/2003
Need Photos Scanned For This Website?
If you would like to post your AASF #2 photos on this website and do not have a scanner, please let me know. I’ll be happy to scan them for you and email them to our editor. Please include the caption information for each of your photos. CW-5 Chuck Adkinson, place your photos in my mailbox at the facility in a labeled envelope or mail them to me at home.